不过, Fudzilla最新爆料称,AMD已经为下一代显卡取了新的名字,叫做“加勒比群岛”(Caribbean Islands),并且声称他们的消息来源在代号问题上一贯可靠,这次也绝对准确。
加勒比海岛(Caribbean Islands)。20大旅行者:肯尼-史密斯, 肯尼-史密斯同样效力过很多球队,还随着休斯敦火箭拿到过NBA总冠军戒指,他可不是被人扔来扔去的边...
他们大多去了加勒比海岛屿(Caribbean Islands),来到马萨诸塞的有两万多人。仅从这点上就看得出来,“纯净派”是个势力庞大、能量惊人的团体,查理一世让他们离开英国实在是为...
British Caribbean Islands 英属加勒比群岛
the caribbean islands 加勒比海诸岛
Discover Caribbean Islands 发现加勒比海岛
The Caribbean islands are divided into two worlds, a rich one and a poor one.
Ever since America's colonial days, the Caribbean islands have been favorite places to visit.
Last summer my wife and I had saved for a year to be able to take a romantic cruise to several Caribbean islands.
His music is a mix of American country and western, rock and the sounds of the Caribbean islands.
VOA: special.2010.03.22
You can hear Cuban music. You can hear music of the Caribbean islands, old calypso music from deep in the Caribbean and reggae from Jamaica.
VOA: special.2010.03.22
The president noted that, in the Cayman Islands,for instance, a single address houses thousands of corporations, few of which have a physical presence on the Caribbean islands.
VOA: standard.2009.05.04